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Can you be a professional without an office?

jenny.brown's avatar
Icon for Advisely Board rankAdvisely Board
7 months ago

For a business that was always focused on clients coming to you and presenting a professional office environment, it was quite a turning point when COVID hit in March 2020 and our entire team of 12 began working remotely from home.

Of course, we had no option at that point – being based in metropolitan Melbourne and not an essential service, we weren’t permitted to have our team working from an office nor to meet clients in person. So we had to adapt.

When our lease was up towards the end of 2020, though, we decided not to renew it. After surveying our key clients, we found that they were very comfortable with us staying virtual.

Our clients are predominantly pre/post retirees and business owners; they often have some degree of complexity in their financial situation. They’re also high-touch as our investment philosophy is built on direct investments rather than managed funds, SMAs or MDAs. 

Transitioning to a virtual office required a decent amount of trial and error and we learned a lot throughout the process. We changed some of our team, too, as some just didn’t want to be working remotely 100% of the time.

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Updated 7 months ago
Version 2.0
  • Tamara.Morey's avatar
    Icon for Advisely Partner rankAdvisely Partner

    Well done to you Jenny and the entire team for breaking the mould of the traditional advice practice. You’re a great example of how changing your operating model can have significant upside and continued growth. I agree that clients are more adaptable than we realise. It’s often us as business owners limiting the possibilities more than our clients. 

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