Blog Post

Business Strategy

Hearing what's unsaid

Terry-Bell's avatar
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3 months ago

Does the received wisdom about client satisfaction actually line up with reality?

In this series, Business Health principal Terry Bell explores the client experience across four key dimensions. Drawing from analysis of Business Health's CATScan Client Satisfaction Survey data, he challenges our preconceived notions about what clients really want from their adviser and defines a step-by-step approach for understanding and improving client engagement and retention. 

Make sure you become an Advisely member to access the articles below.

Self-employed clients

Trouble is brewing for advisers servicing (or looking to service) the small business market. Are you paying attention?


Principal dependency

What happens if the owner decides to exit the business or otherwise wind back their client-facing activities?


It's all new for clients

Our latest survey results challenged our assumptions about new client satisfaction –  and advisers should take note.

Age matters

According to our latest research, 55% of clients are over 60. What does this mean for your practice?


Updated 3 months ago
Version 5.0
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