Blog Post


How the new cybersecurity laws impact advice

Fraser.Jack's avatar
Icon for Advisely Partner rankAdvisely Partner
19 days ago

Late last year, the ​Cyber Security Act 2024  received Royal Assent, introducing new standards and reporting obligations for a range of businesses. But how, if at all, do the new laws affect financial advice?

In this video, Cyber Collective CEO Fraser Jack walks you through the changes introduced by the legislation and gives you some tips as to how they might impact your current cybersecurity policies. 


Updated 18 days ago
Version 2.0
  • rod's avatar
    Icon for Advisely Partner rankAdvisely Partner

    Great overview Fraser and some valuable tips for all businesses.

  • Great summary of the changes Fraser.Jack

    The mandatory reporting on cyber extortion payments sounds like a great first step to disrupt the ransomware business model. It's imperative that advice businesses know what their obligations are in this space going forward – thanks for sharing your expertise!

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