Anonymous's avatar
6 months ago

AMA: I'm Brent Muller, Xplan Risk Researcher expert and product manager at Iress, Ask Me Anything!

Do you have a burning question about Risk Researcher in Xplan? Join me here on Tuesday 27th August from 2pm to 2:30pm.

With years of experience helping advice professionals streamline risk advice in Xplan, I’m here to help.

Start popping in your questions below and Ask Me Anything!

❗️Update: This AMA has now ended but please continue to pop your questions in the discussion forums.

  • smiller's avatar
    Social Sightseer

    Hi Brent, is there a way to sort and organise scenarios in Risk Researcher? It can get busy and it would be good to sort by year, etc. Thanks, Sandra

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Hi smiller ,

      Risk Researcher scenarios are able to be sorted by Name, Created or Modified columns in ascending or descending order - by selecting the column header.

      The default order is Modified in descending Date order.


      • smiller's avatar
        Social Sightseer

        Thanks Anonymous . I am more interested in creating folders, eg year of review superseded, star some scenarios, or categorise them. We are expected to have evidence of our research so this is why I am asking. Maybe this is more a development suggestion.

  • Hi Brent,

    With the Like for Like functionality, what is the best way to incorporate the premiums into the Like for Like product?

    Are there any plans for future development to automate this from the premium quotes to save advisers time having to source the quote and manually input this?


    • Anonymous's avatar

      Hi jaclyn.bazin4 ,

      Thanks for query.

      Unfortunately we are unable to source inforce policy premiums from the Providers, as they are generated and maintained from their internal systems.

      We only have access to their new business calculators and rate tables.

      If they were to make the inforce premiums available, we would be more than happy to incorporate these into Risk Researcher.


  • A question I have heard recently was around how do you best incorporate Xplan's fully interactive risk insurance comparator system in an advice process?  Anonymous 

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Hi primrose.foster ,

      Thanks for your question.

      Each of the the Risk Researcher screens are able to be embedded within a site's advice wizard.

      Please refer to our Iress Learning Centre for a micro-learn on adding wizards.

  • Thanks Brent for the AMA!

    Just wanted to know how you would efficiently create standard insurance SOAs in Risk Researcher?

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Hi rainier.reyes ,

      We include a default SOA as part of Quick Merge within Risk Researcher. This is intended to give an example of layout and content available for the report output.

      The default template can be downloaded, with the ability to customise as needed.

      Alternatively out Technical Services team are more than happy to assist with customising SOAs.


  • sarah.schultz's avatar
    Visiting Enthusiast

    I second the 'refresh' function in Risk Researcher, similar to what WealthSolver has.  This would be a great addition!

    It would also be handy if we could import a completed need analysis from XTools.  I will often have an adviser complete the analysis there, and then when I try to recreate it within Risk Researcher so it flows through into the SoA along with the recommendations, the assumptions are different.  If a previously completed needs analysis could be imported in, it would save the doubling up of data entry.

    Thanks 😁

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Hi sarah.schultz

      Thanks for questions.

      As per reply above, we are happy to review the ability to "refresh" within an existing scenario.

      In terms of "refresh", are there specific details you are referring to, i.e. Existing policy information, client details?


      Regarding the import from Xtools, this sounds like a great feature that could hopefully be a time saver and avoid double entry.

      We will add this in for investigation, and we will provide some feedback as soon as possible.




  • Hi Brent, thanks for running this AMA! I have just a couple of questions from my team.

    1. Is there a way to 'refresh' a Risk Researcher scenario?
      Currently if the current policy info is input incorrectly (and the adviser has prepared the RR scenario for the SOA) there is no way to update the current position, so the only workaround is to start again from scratch which means re-inputting the needs analysis/recommendations etc.
    2. It may be a licensee specific issue as we work across multiple licenses, but some licenses have access to a 'quadrant report' that is very useful whereas others dont have this available. Is there any flexibility around creating specific reports especially for comparisons - other than the standard compare ratings, compare differences reports.

    Thank you!

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Hi dela.dzadey

      Thanks for the questions.

      Risk Researcher scenarios are intended to be a snapshot at the point in time.

      Updating the existing policy details could invalidate any modelling already completed within the scenario, especially where shortfalls or even entire policies are impacted.

      Creating a new scenario ensures the correct financial position is taken into account when beginning the modelling process.

      Having said that, we are monitoring adviser’s feedback around this, so the process of ‘refreshing’ is to be reviewed again, taking into account the above considerations.

      In terms of "refresh", are there specific details you are referring to, i.e. Existing policy information, client details?


      In regards to reports, Premium Reports (including Quadrant) are not licensee specific, all users should have access to the same reports.

      Can you please ask the user to raise this with our support team so it can be investigated further.



  • Welcome everyone to an Advisely Ask Me Anything (AMA) thread!

    Here's how to get involved:

    1. Submit Your Questions: Just type them out and post now ahead of the AMA! This is a text-based event, so no audio or video is needed. Whatever Xplan Risk Researcher questions you have, Brent will be here to answer during the scheduled time.
    2. Be Respectful: Keep it friendly and professional. Respectful dialogue makes the AMA enjoyable and informative for everyone.
    3. Stay Engaged: Feel free to follow up or ask about different topics as the thread goes on. The more you interact, the richer the conversation.
    4. Enjoy the Experience: Use this opportunity to gain insights, share laughs, and connect. Let’s make this AMA one to remember!

    Looking forward to all your amazing questions and let the asking begin!

    • rainier.reyes's avatar
      Icon for Advisely Team rankAdvisely Team

      Hi everyone and welcome to today's AMA!

      Please ensure you read the instructions above before you post.

      In order to see new questions and responses, make sure you refresh the page regularly.

      Let me know if you need any assistance! 

Welcome to this AMA thread!

Here's how to get involved:

  1. Submit your questions: Just type them out and post now ahead of the AMA! This is a text-based event, so no audio or video is needed. The expert will be online to answer whatever questions you have during the scheduled time.
  2. Be respectful: Keep it friendly and professional. Respectful dialogue makes the AMA enjoyable and informative for everyone.
  3. Stay engaged: Feel free to follow up or ask about different topics as the thread goes on. The more you interact, the richer the conversation.
  4. Enjoy the experience: Use this opportunity to gain insights and connect with peers and experts. Let’s make this AMA one to remember!

Looking forward to all your amazing questions and let the asking begin!