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Finding time

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6 months ago

What would you do with an extra 35 working days each year?

Would you take the time off? Finally finish the novel? Or would you, cognisant of the $2.1 billion that’s projected to flow into the advice sector over the next five years (per Iress and Deloitte’s Advice in 2030: The Big Shift report), use that extra time to accommodate increasing client demand?

Obviously, the choice is yours. But if you’re wondering how you could create an additional 35 days without either the Mandate of Heaven or a time machine, look no further than the top 10 performers on the Advisely Index.

In this feature, experts in practice management, process optimisation, advice technology, personnel and cybersecurity discuss the numerous ways in which an advice business can position itself towards achieving the kinds of results you see in the Advisely Index top 10.

Updated 6 months ago
Version 3.0
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