dianne.preece.0's avatar
Curious Observer
31 days ago

CALM Assets Graph "excluding Acc Deposit "

Can someone confirm what the label 'excluding Acc Deposit' under the CALM Assets graph refers to.

  • Hi dianne.preece.0 ,

    Its referring to any Aged Care Accommodation Deposit that has been paid. Last year we surveyed users to find out what settings they preferred and we updated the settings in September 2024. Now the CALM and Net Asset Charts show the Non Financial Assets as a separate stacked area when set to Include Separately. By the way, it sounds like you have Accommodation Deposit set to Exclude.

    Also, the Aged Care Deposit is set to Include Separately by default (when Apply Automated Aged Care Settings is set to Yes).

    The chart legend shows which assets are treated as Non Financial Assets (i.e. included separately).

    I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any more feedback about the chart.

    Kind regards,

    Lana Graham - Xtools Product Manager

  • lana.graham's avatar
    Icon for Iress Contributor rankIress Contributor

    Hi dianne.preece.0 ,

    Its referring to any Aged Care Accommodation Deposit that has been paid. Last year we surveyed users to find out what settings they preferred and we updated the settings in September 2024. Now the CALM and Net Asset Charts show the Non Financial Assets as a separate stacked area when set to Include Separately. By the way, it sounds like you have Accommodation Deposit set to Exclude.

    Also, the Aged Care Deposit is set to Include Separately by default (when Apply Automated Aged Care Settings is set to Yes).

    The chart legend shows which assets are treated as Non Financial Assets (i.e. included separately).

    I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any more feedback about the chart.

    Kind regards,

    Lana Graham - Xtools Product Manager