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20 days ago

How do you nurture a PY adviser's growth?

I recently shared in a blog here the importance of developing a strong Professional Year (PY) adviser program—from setting clear expectations to encouraging a true sense of ownership over their work. I’d love to hear how everyone is putting these ideas into practice.

  • What’s been your biggest success in mentoring a PY adviser?
  • How do you handle challenges like balancing oversight with giving the freedom to learn?
  • What advice would you give to someone just beginning to work with a new PY adviser?
  • What's been a barrier for you in taking on a PY adviser?

I would also love to hear from PY advisers too and your first-hand experience of going through the program!
It would be great to swap strategies, share stories, and help each other shape the next generation of our profession.

It was a learning curve for us, especially as we are a virtual office, I'd love to see more growth in PY's, so happy to help if I can.

  • Thanks for sharing your piece jenny.brown – you've provided a stellar checklist on what a good PY program looks like (tried and tested too!) 

    I know from speaking to practices in a previous life of mine that taking on a PY-er can be quite daunting, especially for smaller practices. And rightly so because it's a massive commitment on everybody's part! The guidance and tools (or lack thereof) provided by the industry regulators aren't exactly helpful either...

    Keen to hear the community's challenges and successes with their PYs!