alex.burke's avatar
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2 years ago

Your 2024 priorities

I don't know about you, but I've never been one for new years' resolutions. Time marches on without any regard for the promises you make to yourself on Dec 31st. 

That being said, there are already a number of important items on the 2024 financial advice calendar and I'm curious as to which of them you think will have the biggest impact on your business in the future. 

The most obvious one concerns the QAR – we're still waiting for the draft legislation covering the final tranches of the Government's QAR response, but Stephen Jones has indicated he expects implementation this year. Is this timeline likely or even feasible, factoring in the possibility of multiple consultation rounds? 

Looking at the other pins on the board, we have the adviser registration deadline on Feb 1st, the commencement of the CSLR in April and a range of ASIC enforcement activities – covering areas such as DDO compliance, erosion of super balances and cyber-security – highlighted in the regulator's 2024 priorities list released late last year. 

Beyond any other key regulatory dates, though, are there any important events you and your business will be focusing on in 2024? From your perspective, what does the year have in store for advice? 

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