amc's avatar
Curious Observer
9 months ago

Benchmarking Survey


Completed the survey today after gathering data across my 3 entities, submitted and got no result.

Asked to sign in again and it wants me to complete again... any assistance appreciated?

  • rainier.reyes's avatar
    9 months ago

    Thanks for clearing your cache amc and glad to have this sorted. Apologies again for the inconvenience.

  • Hi amc 

    Welcome to Advisely! I'm sorry to hear you had issues with the Index tool. I've raised this with team to resolve this as soon as possible.

    Your personalised results Index report should be found in your profile – would you be able to let me if you're still able to access that? Alternatively, you can navigate there by selecting your profile picture in the top right, and clicking 'Profile'.


    • amc's avatar
      Curious Observer

      It's not there, says there's an error accessing.