dela.dzadey's avatar
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11 months ago

How do you ensure a consistent client experience?

In follow up to my article No adviser is an island, I'd love to know what practices are doing to keep the client experience front of mind for everyone in the team?

How do you ensure the clients receive a cohesive experience from everyone they encounter in your practice?

  • Great questiondela.dzadey we have a couple of ways to do this:
    - We have a team approach to each client, for example, there are at least 2 advisers across every client. 
    - We have an “I Love You Calls” spreadsheet which our team members update every day for various areas
    - Our weekly meeting on a Monday has a list of every client with an open WIP, which helps with what we are doing with clients
    - We have set up snapshot within xplan which has the key items anyone speaking with that client show know, for example interests, golf days etc.
    There are a number of double ups here, but it helps ensure anyone in the team who would be talking to clients has at their finger tips any key issues/items they should know if they need to call a client, or they call in

  • Great question dela.dzadey and your piece was a great read! I like how simple yet effective the 'cheat sheet' you mentioned is - knowing the names of your client's kids can be just as important as knowing their risk profile. Plus I can imagine it would give you a leg up when servicing clients across generations.