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Advice Efficiency

Baselines, blind spots and black holes

Kim-Payne's avatar
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7 months ago

In this video, client engagement expert Kim Payne explains the three critical stages for ensuring a positive client experience – and they have more to do with amusement parks than you might expect. 

Updated 7 months ago
Version 3.0
  • anne.graham's avatar
    Icon for Advisely Index Top 10 rankAdvisely Index Top 10

    Hi Kim-Payne - I really like your tips regarding client experience, especially the blackhole. It's so easy to be doing a ton of work for a client and forgetting to communicate with them! When I think of personal experience, there's nothing worse than crickets and not knowing what's going on. Love the Disneyland story as well ;)

  • thanks Kim-Payne these are great tips to remind us to focus back on the client, like anne.graham has said, we often get so busy getting the work done for the client that we forget to check in and let them know what we've done. Time to tweak some of our processes.

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