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mat.tenison3's avatar
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12 months ago

PY – How do we build and where do we find?

I’m proud to say we started the professional year journey about 6 months ago and feel we’re on the right path and happy we took the leap!

However, I feel I got lucky finding the right person for our business and with a relatively limited pool of people going through this process (albeit growing slowly), how do we promote this to attract the next generation of advisers?

Also, for anyone that's decided to make the plunge, where would you suggest being a good place to start finding the right candidate?

  • Great question Mat and so good to hear the success you've had in bringing the next generation into the profession. Alisdair.Barr what are your suggestions here for Mat?

  • Like you mat.tenison3 we started the professional year journey with our first adviser early in 2022, our 2nd advsier is now over half way through your PY.
    We found both our people via Alisdair.Barr and his business Striver, as they were grads we groomed them within various client services and paraplanning roles, teaching them the business and ensuring they were the right people to move into advising.
    It's a long process, but for us worthwhile and satisfying as they are both shining in their roles as new advisers, sit in our meetings often as a 2nd chair whilst they gain the confidence, and then run with all the outcomes and to dos that need follow up after the meeting to free up the senior adviser to be doing what they do best - advising clients.

    • mat.tenison3's avatar
      Icon for Advisely Board rankAdvisely Board

      Thanks for sharing Jenny! That's the way I was thinking potentially on round two in the next year or two. Great to hear it's going well and even better to know there is a company who can help with this! Best of luck!

  • Well done mat.tenison3  telling the story of the success will fill out your employee value proposition (EVP) which like your CVP is how your compete for talent. At the FAAA congress yesterday at the student session this was hot on the agenda, having a clear pathway to PY and becoming an adviser and how ever long that may take. having it mapped out is attractive. 

    Obviously, Striver has a solution to finding talent for you but getting in front of university students through jobs boards and other means is also a good way to go through this process of finding driven talent passionate about advice. 

    • mat.tenison3's avatar
      Icon for Advisely Board rankAdvisely Board

      Hi Alisdair, thanks for the response and I'll definitely be interested to talk more mid to later next year when we start thinking about growing the team again. I'm interested to hear what the responses are like with the Uni students as I'm guessing financial planning isn't usually a career path a lot are considering before you're talking to students?  Look forward to talking next year!